So freaking long didnt update edi ( as usual). Today is Wesak Day. So yeah, Happy
Wesak everyone.Today is kinda fun day. Soo yin was crazy about taylor swift's song and
MV. Non-stop playing the song and the MV. But true la. Taylor Swift so hot ! Right,
soo yin ? xD Matthew is coming back on holiday. Woohoo. Who want to go out that time ?
It's holiday and after exam edi. Dont give me stupid reasons saying you cant come. xD
Oh ya, yesterday the whole 3 Matahari was standing on the stage of tapak
perhimpunan for 1 period , except the prefects. Thanks to who ? Pn Lee Tsock Wah lo.
The reason she gave is that our class is dirty, bla bla. Its not fully our fault
also. Some sohais and bitches come in and simply throw rubbish around. Giving us
problems. But nevermind la, this helps me become more famous. Even the new form 3
student that just transfered to our school also know me after talking to him in a
buddhist centre today. Cool neh ? Oh ya, and a teacher that looks like Mojo-jojo
went into our class ytd. Pn Nora, our super funny bm teacher didnt come. So sad. The
mojo-jojo ah, seriously look damn funny somemore his actions like very lembut(aka
gay). xD me and wei yang keep on talk about him and i think he knows we are talking
bout him. End of post.