Sunday 25 January 2009

Blog-Saving Project Launch!

yo~yo~yo,check it out!xD.First of all,Happy Chinese New Year to everyone,especially YanYi and Jeffrey,my blog mates!xD.

Well,although last December YanYi declared that this blog is dead,but still a lot of people visits this blog.thanks for your supports!!As I promised,I want to save this blog from dying.So,now I has started my job.

Due to the school reopen busy moment,I can't online often like last time,sorry for can't keep in touch with you all.So I hope this blog,and the lolipop blog will be a tool or something for us to exchange news and keep well touch.Hope you guys will give comment or anything on the chat box.thanks.Here I kindly ask YanYi and Jeffrey return to this blog and continue to post your interesting events here,so I can know more what is happening there.

Okay,here I congrate YanYi for be the 3Matahari monitor.And wish you can be a prefect that can clear those bad prefects.Haha~you definitely knew what I mean.Wakaka~At last,I really hope YanYi and Jeffrey will return here.See you!!^0^

Matthew~Still Unlimited.XD Gong He Fa Choi,Ang Pau gia lai!

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