Saturday 9 April 2022

The Battle of the Mind

In my first year of medical school, we were introduced to the concept of mind-body interaction. We learnt that mental health can affect the physical health. Likewise, the physiologic factors can affect the mind too. A depressed mind can weaken the immune system, a sick body can cause sleepless nights. Even before studying medicine, I have known a positive mindset can help me to achieve success since high school.

Recently, I have greater insights upon this matter as I ponder about life, like I have done frequently, constantly and restlessly over the years. My recent 'thought research' is to figure out is there a difference between positive psychology and biblical faith. My conclusion for now is, perhaps our human mind is wired by God to thrive in positivity and psychology just confirms that scientifically. 

Our thoughts are powerful. We can weld them to the direction that we want to. Though there are times that are difficult for us to think in an optimistic way, we still have a choice and power to think of the bright side. Literally everything we do or act starts with a thought in the mind. Hence, the battle begins in the mind. If we are able to guard our mind and thoughts, we can have a better life.

'Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.'
Proverbs 4:23

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