Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Last Tuesday of 2010
So today is the last tuesday of this wonderful year.
According to the news, today will be no water supply to the entire Penang region huh, some people still escape to Taiping lol.
My mother advised me to fill up my water tumbler last night for today, my daddy asked me to wake up early in the morning before 7am to take bath. There would be 12 hours without water supply in our area.
Well, I did as what my parents ordered since I am a very good and obedient kid.
The alarm clock rang at 6am, I was half way in my dream, I just turned off it with one swift movement of my hand.
I remembered I was still walking in the pathway in my dream, suddenly a thought from the real world struck me : Matthew you are supposed to wake up and take bath NOW!
This kind of scenario always happen on me in the morning, I was still dreaming, but another voice will ask me to do something else. I have been researching this kind of ability and phenomena with Jingxue, who has similar experience and interest in dreams.
We always chat and exchange dreaming experience at school, and we plan to write a book about our experiences and researches. After that, we will make the sequel of Inception.hahaha.
okay okay!want more information about this?Wait for our book to publish with high anticipation ba.Can't reveal much here.
So I just jumped up from my bed and grab a look at my clock. Mama Mia!It's 6.50am!
I rushed into bathroom, thinking the government won't be so punctual.
I started my breakfast at 7.30am, hastely finished them so I could wash my hands before the water stop flowing from pipes.
Well, there's still got water supply around 11am, I wondered why. I am sure today is not April Fool.
My daddy told me :"Maybe it's because we are living in Condominium, so there is a water tank for storage..."
I woke up so early................
Monday, 27 December 2010
Last Monday of 2010
Today went to school reluctantly to clean up the aftermath situation we left after camp. When I dragged my heavy body towards our KRS storeroom, I saw just a few came. My body became heavier.
Then Chun Yung told me a great news, they will only start the work afternoon with the help of Form2 members. YEAH!My heart leaped!I have KLP tuition 2.15pm on Monday!HAHAHAHA.
So I spent the whole morning at school revising Form5 chapter 1, KLP told us that today would be a test. He was dead serious when he told us, so I better don't take the risk of hoping he would forget.
Tuition started. He said he would leave the last 20 minutes for the test but eventually he couldn't make it T.T
I straight away to go Hair Decor to get a hair cut after that, since tomorrow Penang will be no water supply,I can't wash my hair after hair cut. Perharps many had the same thought as mine, Hair Decor was crowded with people. I must wait for 30 minutes for my turn.
After awhile, Itik and Angie went in. Walao A, they even get a hair cut together. Angie couldn't recognise me, how sad. =(
blah~so I am now preparing my heart to welcome the last tuesday of 2010 to arrive.XP
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Santa Claus is leaving the town!
We have about one more precious week to go before school reopen.
argh!so fast the holidays gonna end!Still remember the time I yelled and shouted and jumped when handing up my last exam paper on November.
Let us just cross our fingers and pray that we can spend our remaining holidays with excitement, joy and in a meaningful way.
Hey, I am not refering to you Neri, your holidays still have one month to go.By the way I advise you stop laughing at us and spend your time wisely too!If not one month later I will see you posting the same thing again.hng!
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Blessed Christmas!
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"
Christ by highest heav'n adored
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold Him come
Offspring of a Virgin's womb
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"
Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"
Friday, 24 December 2010
KRS Training Camp 2010
I got stung ( or should I say bitten, but it felt like stung) by red ants on the first night. That night I slept at 12.30 and woke up at 1.30am, we gathered at the small field between A & B block to make decoration for open ceremony. Don't know who put a can of unfinished potato chips on the ground. I picked it up and intended to throw into trash bin. Halfway walking to the nearest dust bin I felt a sudden pain on my right hand, so I dropped the can and begining to rub my hand.You know the action, sort of Sui Jing and Neri will do when they spot a tiny cute cookroach, jumping and yelling. However, for a brave young boy like me I just crossed out the yelling part, jumping because of pain.XD
The pain was terrible. 3 spots on my right hand and 1 on my left were ambushed by the red troops. After putting some antiseptic cream, I continued my work diligently. However, the pain was getting unbearable as the time passed on. The wound on my left thum began to swollen, right to the morning,my thumb was 2 times bigger than the right one.ARGH!
The camp was started, I did not take leave for that though ( because I am a trained KRS DM and highly spirited,highly honoured,hightly playful, highly strong.XD).
When come to 5 something, my wrist also got swollen, my left hand was like wearing boxing gloves, my thumb totally can't bend at all. I was so sad because I was forced to leave the camp site and seek for medical help.
My former president - Sjn Yeo Yen Huan, the son of Mdm Ooi Lay Seik our math teacher, sent me to Doctor Ang but realised that they went to Japan. Later on we found a clinic and registered. The doctor say must take injection.
er...em, I was not afraid kay.
I was so calm...
She let me choose whether want it on arm or buttocks, she said buttocks will be less pain.
What the hell, I choose arm because so shy to take off my undergarments in front of so many ppl.
But Yen Huan advised me to take it on buttocks. With much shyness, I lay down on dunno-what-bed lah. He helped me to untie my boots.
Doctors are good liers.
Okay okay~now get back to the title. The camp quite okay lah. Not up to our expectations. However, the treasure hunt was quite successful!Many members commented as enjoyable!HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA~told you all dy Jing, my movie is very good de. Don't believe?Check out Facebook ba.muuahahahaahahahaha.
My water games, haiz, on the other hand, were not so lucky. It rained heavily that time, with thunders.
Happy Christmas Eve!!
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Undang Courses with Khai Cheat & Angie Loh
I was so scared I couldn't make it on this holidays,cause we will have no time when school reopen. However,through Angie we finally selected SLM and registered there.
As you check your calendar ( as a reminder for you how long we have till school reopen too :D),next saturday is my dear Christmas Day!One week later will be New Year.Wow, luckily we made it today.=)
As usual, where ever when ever I am around, funny things will happen.hahahaahaha!!(Neri please don't show your -.- expression.)
They asked us to be there at 8.00am and will transport (not teleport) us to Seberang Jaya Centre. We waited 15 minutes but no one appeared to open the premise...
7 of candidates ( as they called it) in her Avanza and we started our journey, boring day but I destinied to make it a special day.XP
Khai Cheat, Angie and I crammed like tin sardine at the back seat. When we reached the place, my head accidentally bang on the door frame of the car and I never seen so many stars in my lifetime. You may laugh at me now, but you will be the same while the aunty kept reciting :"小心!撞头!caution!bang your head!" -____________- It's human natural reflexes to follow instruction kay.
When we finally settled down in the leturer room, the leturer was so strict. He wore dark chocholate long sleeve with dark red tie.Azure blue slack and looked like in his mid-fifties. His grey hair, toghether with his specs formed a face that you will never try to have a go with him.
This man is Mr Ong.
And he is 78-year-old,speaking fluent native tougue Bahasa Malaysia, but can read and write Chinese I think. Wow~from his headmasterlike attire you'll respect him from heart. The first sentence he comanded :" Siapa-siapa lelaki yang tak mahu masukkan baju akan saya halau keluar dari kelas ini."
Just like what you have in your mind now, I followed most of the guys went out to make us looked 'noober',cursing him silently in heart.
He continued his opening speech with "siapa tak beri perhatian akan di halau keluar" , "Saya nak ajar kamu konsep baru,bukan untuk lulus ujian sahaja" those own modified sentences to impress us.
He was so strict even on small tiny matters. People read from the text he critized, people read wrong lines he scolded.haiz~
Angie was so tired but we were forced to listen attentively. In between, Mr Ong the old folk inserted jokes and humour but I forced myself to restrain my smile. -_________-
Indeed some jokes really lame...but to tickles the senses of Angie, Khai Cheat and me it still far.muahahahaha.In fact I can guess what he was going to say next.XD
So it came to the final hour. Mr Ong went out and an old woman came in. She just threw her big ass on the small chair and opened her power point. This session was dead boring so we communicate via text msg at first. Later on we saw her just admiring her own slide and read for herself, we started to chat directly. Soon Angie was fell asleep and I continued to read my 《上课不要看小说》.
When Angie woke up, it was the time to go home.Good timing man. Perharps this is another so called human natural ability, like sleeping students will automatically wake up 1 minute before the recess.
The aunty still purposely reminded me to be really careful when I got out of the car.How lovely, how touching.XD
P.S. we will take the test on Chrismas eve, romantic hor.=)
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Gathering with Neri & Yen Ling
Most of the time I am acting and directing a movie for KRS training camp's Treasure Hunt. It's almost done. We all agree to post to facebook once the camp is over. The roll out time is around Christmas ba, so you can take it as Xmas special movie.hahaha~
Since this is our debut, we will allow the public to access our facebook profile and watch for free! We are still negotiating with big cinemas like GSC, TGV and so on to show it on the silver screen.XD
Well~the final exam's result was out mostly. I am not so satisfied with them, huh. Next year we will be sitting for SPM, I hope I can strive better in next year's examinations.
Alright, yesterday I went to Yen Ling's residence which located behind Ecotel. I met Neri there too.XD we chit-chat for about 3 hours ba?
Sui Jing said she would be the first to reach there but she turned out to be the last -___-"
After then, we went out to snap photos frantically,hoping that we can keep the memories forever.=)
I wonder why Sui Jing like to pose like a star...
ohya~it was my first time to hold a camera and 'Zi Pai'!!ARGH!!!Thanks to my 130++ height.
Sui Jing, Neri and Yen Ling went for dinner together after I went back.
In my opinion, gather together at one place chatting and playing can have more fun than outing.haha~cause we possibly can't shopping and chatting so warmly in the mall.
However, I still looking forward to go outing to watch NARNIA!
Now there is a place called StraightQuay?I hope we can go there.XD
Thanks for the photos!Neri , Sui Jing and Yen Ling! =)
P.S. : Sui Jing, next time change to a moon-pose ba.wakaka~
Monday, 6 December 2010
Christmas Season
The decoration in the hall of shopping malls have changed into Christmas mode. A tall gigantic Christmas tree and a fat old man with long snowy beard a in bright red robes. Christmas is around the corner!In fact it is just another 19 days. Starting to feel and celebrate this warm and lovely day, singing and chanting Christmas songs.
I love Christmas.
Why? I just simply love the feeling and atmosphere of Christmas, it brings peace and joy to the soul. The harmony which Christmas brings. This type of feeling grows extremely strong particularly during Christmas eve. I will be literally become very silent and admire the city from the balcony. And when you are totally alone in such circumstances, you will be driven involuntary into nolstagia, into memoriam. What happened throughout the year and years before will appear like slideshow in your eyes. You probably will think of the Christmas before, and grumble why time pass so fast in a sigh. This is also the best time to quiet down and think of your future.XD Christmas also give me sort of emotion that I can't describe it here...You know the sound of the church bell, 'dong... ... dong ... ...dong... ...' ,deep yet loud, somehow the sound make an impact in my soul,in my innermost...
Christmas, anticipating so much, but when it's over, remained a little bit sorry.
Perharps this is the wonder and magical part of Christmas? Does it come from the yearn of Santa Claus during childhood?Or hope to receive a lot of presents and gifts?
This year Christmas seemed like doesn't have any Christmas movie. Past years we used to have Home Alone and the kind of it. However, I love 'The Polar Express' the most. =) The feels disperse from the movie is exactly the same as my emotion and feelings. :D
Merry Christmas!
Friday, 3 December 2010
Return to PJ
At night, I was escoted to Yan Yi's big new house for reunion party. We cycled to One Utama to buy KFC. Yi Ting saw us on the sidewalk but she just roaming away with her new E-class I think.haha. Yan Yi ordered 8 pizzas, we used 3 days to finish it -_-
Yan Yi and I went cycling while Jeffrey chasing us behind.haha~At the park, we taught Jeffrey how to cycle again. Jeffrey is a good learner I must admit.haha~
I found that Yan Yi kept bullying Jeffrey. So I joined.HAHAHAHA.Don't cry Lee Wen Xian, I know you like Jeffrey Lee Wen Xiang very much. He is so interested in you cause both of your names are close to each other.How about your hearts? ( Luckily Jeffrey won't read this post) er~Long distance love does work actually~gambate!!Jeffrey is a very nice guy, and superb humourous as you've said. You will like chatting with him, the way he speaks, the way he winks,mesmerizing,charming.hahaha~
Nice pose weih.But Jeffrey spoiled it,that's why he got hit on the next photo.
Monday, 29 November 2010
I am so excited now.Don't know why having such overwhelming feelings,like last time I had when I was returining to Penang during holidays. Or I have now see Petaling Jaya as my hometown?erm,perharps not.I think the sole reason is I have so many best friends there and I left many memorable memories there.haha~
Although I will be staying there for 4 days, I will try my best to live fullest in the 4 days. No more nolstagia. It's time to renew my memory and instil stronger friendship.XD
Just like the top selling book I have read FISH!For Life, the 4 ingredients of FISH!Philosophy are Play, Make Their Day, Be There, Choose Your Attitude, I must truly apply in my life. =)
Play- I certainly not lacking this.haha~I am always having fun and playful.
Make Their Day - I think I pass this too.yeah.I just have the natural desire to make one laugh and enlighten their day. Sometimes offended them accidentally too =(.
Be there- er, yea, it's time for me to get out of memoriam and living in the present. I go back not to remind myself how I once lived there,but to have great fellowship with my dear dear friends. Jeffrey said to me when I left 2 years ago : Life goes on. yeah~never look back. Over means over, save the energy of looking back and live in the present time. You can't walk on when your head is turning back right?Forget and let go. Erm, not to offend, but I dedicate this to Sui Jing. =) Come on girl, don't live in the past. I know it maybe hard for you, but believe it, I can do it, why not you?Someone just don't deserve your daily dreams and thoughts. I hope I am not too harsh. S-M-I-L-E XD
Choose my attitude - this level I am still work hard on it. Sometimes I don't have the right attitude to carry out my daily lives. Maybe you may not even think about this. Believe me, if you literally tell yourself to maintain a good mood & be positive once you open your eyes in the morning, you will know the difference. There will no boring moments anymore. hahax.
(Joshua, told you I could be a great philosopher if I were borned some 3000 years ago.)
yeah~Bandar Utama,rich Yan Yi new residence, I AM COMING to shake it down into debris.
Friday, 26 November 2010
What A Day!Outing with Wen Qi
Felt so sorry for my dear members, I need to left them by 12pm. Jump on my dad's car, had chicken rice in car and changed shirt. Aboard ferry at 12.35pm, reached Penang at 1pm. All Rapid to Queensbay didn't allow me to alight the buses. So I waited until 1.20pm and the bus started off at 1.35pm. I knew I would be late Wen Qi.haha~Sorry for letting your gastric juice corrode your stomach epithelial wall.But it was not my fault too, it's your gastric juice.XD
Wen Qi was so hungry, we just simply went in "Taiwan Bull" for good. We chat a lot there huh. OMG, I just happened to discover how much Penang am I. Those Penang slang and words, 'teh diao','mai leh' I must translate into 'zha dou','what the hell' so that you could understand me. Next week I'm going back KL to meet you all, I think it will occur communication problem.haha~be my translator ba Wen Qi, since you say you are half Penangite.
However, I have one thing to laugh at Wen Qi, she asked me to teach her tali .I was thinking what on earth is that?You mean syilling? Actually she was refering to Ikatan which means knotting.hahahaha~This one sure laugh die Jingxue. Okay lah~different places, different people, different culture,different language.=]
Watched Unstoppable. Quite nice what. But I think it would be better if the scenes not just so focus on the trains and add more tragedies happened. =) I wonder why the truck Ned was driving wouldn't out of fuel. -_____-
After movie, we wanted to find a place to take photos. BORDERS was our first choice.XD We just put our camera on the rack and turn on timer mode. I found that the workers there were watching us curiously. They probably thought : what the hell are the couple doing??no other places to snap photos??hahahahaha.But they should feel proud cause we choose the place. =)
Er...opppss~rewind backward a bit.Before we went BORDERS, we went to Areoline to book my tickets to 1utama KL. Yan Yi urged Wen Qi far from KL to make sure I bought the tickets, still say will hold a welcoming back dinner for me wor.XD Feel so touched for having such friends like you, 2years we were apart from each other, but the friendship never gone,even deeper than before. I OWE YOU ALL!
Speaking of Areoline~whoa!!!It costs me RM120 to and fro. For ordinary tickets just RM90 only. If not Areoline will stop at 1utama,the place near Yan Yi's new residence, and so many bus accident these days, my mom won't let me, a young kiddy boy take such a high class bus.
When I went to the counter to purchase tickets. It was like purchasing a flight ticket.XD So class.haha~ After choosing seat, ask me my name and phone number. I was required to sign my name on the tickets after the tickets were printed out.cool neh~The tickets are put inside an envelope.
Each tickets got 2 complimentary luggage stickers for me to prevent luggage mistaking. I thought this type of service only taking flight got?=)
There are meals provided during the journey.XD wahahah~like taking a flight hor?Areoline is a double decker bus, the upper decker is for passengers, the lower decker is sort of cafe according to Wen Qi. :)
ok lah~ dun elaborate some more, later ppl say me sampat...
The tickets are in this envelope.
My tickets!!erm, I should call it, boarding pass.haha~Can you see my beautiful full of art signature?XD
Another story started :
Wen Qi left me at 6.00pm, I managed to catch a bus at 6.20pm and started long journey back to Weld Quay. The bus was stuck in sluggish traffic for an hour plus. After 45 mins long I kept my mouth shut, I couldn't stand anymore. The foreign tourist behind me also couldn't bear boring situation. He first expressed his feelings to the girls behind him, murmuring about the traffic. The girls were from Sarawak according to their conversations.
I really truly couldn't bear any longer, I must move my lips.
I joined the conversation.XD
Well well well, I chat a lot with him for 15 mins. He is an Aussie from Gold Coast. Gigantic, a lot of beard and seems like at his mid-fifties.He told me how the teenagers there like my age are drinking,taking drugs, ecstacy pills in Gold Coast. He was here last August for 2 days and determined to return here for his birthday which falls on 23rd of November. He will be staying here until before Christmas.
I asked him where he stays. Jalan Machalister.
I started to act like a tour guide and introduce him food and places (Ng Yen Yen hired me to do so.hahaha).
Matt: Do you try the food here?How do you find it?
He: yeah~These days I had buffet in my hotel.Very nice.
Matt: -_____________-"
Maybe this is so called sense of humour...
Matt: I mean local famous food.
He: oh~there are many food stalls around the area and I think I'll try it tonight.
I was so amaze I could understand him cause you know their slang and tone and pronunciation. I can imagine Neri is dealing with them everyday.haha~good job! He pronounce the word 'hour' differently,I would like to ask Neri how it is.hehe.
I was suprized he could understand my partial broken English too, although once a time he needed to think for a few seconds. The puzzlement on his face embarrassed me...
What a day was today!!XD
Ohya~the malays kept glaring at me as we chat.I wonder why...I can see a face of hatred and annoyed...
I took 2 hours reach home.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Pantai Kerachut!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010
By the way yesterday was a great experience. Running under such harsh weather was good.hahax~We reached there by 6pm, watched a movie until 12am. We came out from Queensbay and slept on big rocks at the beaches.Damn hard rocks man!!Part of my injuries are cause by improper sleeping position.We moved in a big tent later on and it started to rain haevily about 4am.
And I'm half deaf by now, after Sui Jing shouted so loudly to me, part of it is caused by her ki siao looks and fear of her.muahahaha~a photo can cause her to become like that~scared scared lol.
So the holidays started~dunno why feel like it will gone fast like usual~this will be our last term holidays since our primary and secondary education.Next year we will having SPM dy. As I am thinking how to live a meaningful holidays, the time passes like water flows towards the east.
Argh~hope the plans I have in mind won't fail to carry out.XD
Here I wish all of you happy holidayz!!
Wait... wait... Forgot something...
Friday, 19 November 2010
Last day of school 2010
We reached school with tonnes of books to return...our class is at the top level...
Today's atmosphere was very different,seems like no farewell mood, everyone was laughing and joking~perharps nowadays farewell must be happy?
What really throw a pail of cold water to our escatic high mood was some of the results were out...
What the hell~teacher ar, since when you all become so high efficiency??
Today whole day I was shouting, the class is too noisy~I really dunno how to describe today's school situation~everyone release their exam pressure today~like bursting volcano,earthquake.
And I just cant control my mouth to stop moving...bla bla bla bla
After recess,it's photo session.Everyone brought out their Phones and camera to snap photos and videos!!
Now the class had gone beyond control. A group here a group there. Who was snapping who nobody noes. Everyone was like fearing can't see each other anymore.hahaha~
haiz~really can't fully describe the situation laaahhh~too profound to convert into words!!Hope you were there!!!!!
Sui Jing, sorry for dissapoint you cause you told me to describe it in details, but my language is truly sucks and beyond that.Sorry worrr......let the scenes ebbed forever in your mind ba~
Thursday, 18 November 2010
I average slept 6 hours each day just to pass the exam, just pass only ar,not A, and don't say get 100.
Anyway, it is over now. As usual after exam, I am like living without soul, no target, lost direction, don't no how to make use of the extra time I have. Somemore this time I have 8 weeks to spend.hahaha~
Really don't have any holidays plan yet. Before exams, this thing I want to do during holidays, that thing I want to complete during holidays;however I wonder after school reopen they are still there, untouch at all. =.=
I think this holiday will be an exciting one. The first event for every year-end holidays is Penang Bridge Run. We will go earlier on that day to watch HARRY POTTER!!yeah!yeahhh!!!yeahhhh!!!!!
I watched the trailer dy~super damn nice!!yeahhhh yyyeeaahhhh!!!But Wei Qi is watching it now as I am typing =( bring me along....
Then Narnia will roll out on December. A lot of big hits yeah.XD
But Transformer 3 will only come out on May next year.
Tomorrow still need to go to school to return textbooks. Since it is the last day of this school year, I am ready to do something significant and memorable.muuahahhhhhh~watch out guys,matt is mad.wahhhahahahaha~
This exam period really make me crazy, don't believe you can ask those who were sitting at the back. Four of us, wei qi, Sui Jing, Zhen Jie and me were joking and fooling around every moment, as others were burying their heads in books. I think we made a lot of noise and disturbed some ppl.hahaha~sorry lor, who say exam cannot joke. Saya ada Hak untuk joke.
ohya~my dear 4sA1 friends!!!Hope can see you next year in 5-S-A-1!!!!
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Graduation Day Rehearsal
Today, I went to school with just my KRS Uni without any other badges attached to it. I counted on Zhen Jie to return to me at school. I thought of bringing a green shirt to change in case he forget to bring. However I think : If he really doesn't bring, I can blame him and ask him to give me a new set.=P
When I reached the class after climbing 8 fleet of stairs, he was absent.
So I was like a bit hysteric. Running here and there to search for extra set of badges. For your information, I am the Discipline Master of KRS, and my very own uniform was not complete. What a shame.
The result was : no found.
ARGH!! I decided to stay in class and refuse to see anyone who is KRS.
After recess, 4SA1 was asked to go in the hall to take part in the graduation day rehearsal. The whole hall just have 3 ppl who were in Uniform, and all were green. I sat beside Jingxue. Behind us were Rou Yi, Yen Fen and Wen Nee. Five of us started to chit chat.
You can talk a lot with boisterous girls.hahahaaha~
We talked from heaven and down to earth, from east fly to the west.XD
It was so fun to chat with them, a lot of laughter too. But, please repect my privacy ba, don't spread rumours, for me is nothing but I don't want to hurt pihak lain.
I told Jingxue, we were highly exposed and obvious for the teachers on stage because of our green uniform. However none of us care about it. At last, Mr. Ho gave a speech. He said he was very dissapointed for the performance of Form5, and some form4s too. Those from unit beruniform were supposed to have discipline and can behaved well.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
So what did I do at home? haiyo~sick already,sure is rest lah~
Don't mistaken me, I'm not taking study leave okay. I really have a fever, and the definition of fever is a rise in body temperature, that's flat.
I must rest. Though, after one hour I woke up I felt restless. -____-
As the wind blew and blew before the heavy noon rain, it blew open my chemistry book. Since it was being opened, I sat down and read.
About noon time I followed my dad to Sunway Carnival for shopping, I went to buy books while he wanted to get his Cyma watch repaired.
Later on, we went to Tesco to buy some groceries. My dad bought me a cup of peanut milk. It was fantastic, I listed it as one of my favourite drinks. =) It is a kind of milk, with peanuts blended in it.Taste sweet and you can still chew the peanuts particles. NICE~ You are full after drinking one, highly recommended to those who are on diet.
P.S. Someone asked I still got mood to go shopping ar.
Sure, of cause. haha~ although I'm SICK!
Monday, 18 October 2010
As this kind of thing happened before, probably the Jaga forgot to unlocked it, everyone was just chit chatting and while waiting for someone to open it.
Hui Wen saw me and moved to my side. She started to grumble about the gate "why is it closing?Why is no one going to find the key?" She was just like a bee, buzzing non-stop at my ears.
Finally, she suggested me to go to find the key :"Matthew, can you please go find the key?It is like no one is getting it."
I just refused to be so busy body, thinking that someone may went for it dy.
Later on, Hui Wen ordered me :" Matthew!You are a guy!Come on!Go find the key now!!"
She pulled me up from the bench and pushed me out from the canteen. -____-
So I went to find Mr.Ho, PK Hem of the school. Legend says that he has the key. Unfortunately, he was not in. So I asked Pn Chia instead. She asked me to walked over to another office and ask the clerk to phone the jaga. I did what as she told. The clerk made a call and said the guard was out for lunch. =( I went back to see Pn Chia again and told her Mr Ho has the key. She walked into his room and searched for the key. She got it, but lazy to walk to the gate. Hence, she asked a clerk to do the job.
When I followed the clerk stepped out from the office, guess what I saw??
The crowd was gone. The door was opened.
That time I was like wanting to pull my ears, bang my head and cry.
Later I heard my aunty said she saw a guy with white shirt and pants (Form6) opened it, but saw no key in his hand.
The door wasn't lock!!It was just closing.
WHAT THE HEAVEN!!(it is supposed to be what the hell, but as a Christian, ought to be like this XD)
Because of the girl who stood there doing nothing, everyone thought it was locked!! How silly were us!
THINK!We can learn a lesson from this ... ...
TRY THIS!Lift your head and gaze at the top of a building for 15 minutes on a busy street.When you look around after that, you will see many people stand there and look up too.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Education Fair
Jingxue wants to study abroad in Japan (wow!),Itik wanna be a forensic ( Probably watch too much CSI, I doubted if she can), Wei Qi and Chen Xin want to study Pharmacies, Khai Cheat likes Art Designs, Zhen Jie goes for Civil Engineering, Sui Jing intends to study Medic... ...
Education fair was like a dream factory (it's not necessary to be Pixar or Disneyland :D), producing and modifying our dreams. Many of us started to think about the future, which course am I interested? What can I be after graduated? Unfortunately, what we dream of now are very very different from which we dreamed of when we were small (standard deviation = 10).
I wanted to be a policeman last time, under the influence of Hong Kong show 'ICAC'.haha. After reading too much Sci-fi, I hope I can be a sciencetist. Later on, my mum brainwashed me to be a doctor. I think I will go for medic first, then pyscho specialist.XD Why??I hope I can read my patients' mind, so I can give them medicine without asking them.Hmmm, this can save a lot of time and work. (Lame excuse.... -______-)
This morning an interesting incident happened.=) When we finished asking abt for forensic courses, Chen Xin, Itik, Wei Qi, Angie and me went to next counter, Monash University. That woman really dull, lack of passion on her job. When we sat down, she started:"You must first study pre-U first." Pointing all pre-U courses by using her pen on a catalogue. She was like thrusting her pen leh, showing bored expression. After making several holes on the catalogue, she asked us with sleepy plus a little bit restless tone :" Know what is pre-U courses?".I was annoyed by her attitude, thinking whether want to poke fun at her...
She started to throw questions at us:" Do you know what is A level?What is STPM?What is canadian XXX, what is Australian year 12?What is bla bla bla?" Of course, with a tone talking to a ask-too-much-questions-5-year-old-kid. This time, I was determined to oppose her by all means.Grrrr~what kind of promoter was that??
I said :" A level?who don't know?STPM?Our school also got lah, why should we go Sunway Uni for the course?!By the way why the pre-U courses are all at Sunway University?"
She answered:" It is because our campus is situated beside Sunway, and our campus doen't offer
pre-U course, but you must have it before taking any course here."
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla
I opposed everything she said...
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla
She started to get irritated...
" Hey, your banner here stated Monash University is one of the top 50 in the world, true ar?"
"That's for last year, our new banner haven't come out yet."
"Huh, then what's the ranking for this year?"
I try hard not to blurt out foul words, really hard.
bla bla bla bla bla bla
She can't stand it anymore :" Why don't you be a DJ when you grow up?I swear I won't listen to whatever fm you are working at."
She introduced me a lot of courses like communications and psychology =.=
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
I see the sun smiles
Actually the sun is always smiling, just you don't seem to notice it.Why?It is because we are told not to gaze at the sun with our naked eyes!!hahahahaha~
Yeah~I see the sun smiles! While I am going to school; while I am wandering around leisurely; while I grab my bag and walk out of the school.
Crazy right?
Lifes are full of happy events that you are fond of, and of course, catastrophic incidents which won't please you much!
However, whatever happen in this little world, the sun still show his amiable smile everyday, despite what you are going through.
It maybe your best friend's birthday, you values him so much and made a DIY birthday card for him.
Perharps one day your friend hurt you so much deep in your heart and feelings. It juz happened so fast that you couldn't accept or believe it. The pain is unbearable, your tears is drowning Penang...I am here for you,right here waiting for you.
You are leaving the place where you have all of your best friends...
How happy were the days ; how much you miss them...
But please get going and go on...they definitely miss you too but they want you to be bold and enjoy your life too.
Ah~these are called lifes.
Without obstacles, how can you enjoy the joy when you overcome it??
Without horrendous rain, there is no beautiful rainbow.
Come, lift up your head, be brave to look at the Sun!!He is smiling to you!
When your heart smiles ; the sun smiles.
P.S. I wonder why I post this -________- wakaka
Friday, 8 October 2010
Steamboat Dinner
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Good Bye Neri
Don't be too sad lah, you are leaving us, but your friends there are welcoming back you back. =)
We have been good friends last year, this year also, forever will be.
Just move on and don't look back.^ ^
Btw you will be coming back at December, just one more month to muddle. haha~
Life goes on.
Good bye.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
It's October!
2010 is approaching the end...
Am I too pessimistic?
Next week the form3s will be having their PMR exams,memories start to flash back like slides. We were just exactly like them, nervous, panic, fear and perharps some anticipation? huh~
Next week will be a tough week for them, but once over, they are freed, just like the time we had. I remembered my life after PMR was a lot busier than before the exam. All sorts of experience and activities...sandcastle competition, frisbee competition, RIMUP etc. And of cause year end KRS training camp and orientation. ^.^
I miss form3!!!
I mean it.
Dunno why suddenly feel so down at this lonely night. It's 10:43pm now. I am all alone in front of my desk...
Future seems unreachable.
Just one more year...we'll be facing SPM.
The life after SPM remains blank in my mind, I dun dare to dream of it. Departing from friends??Studying abroad?? They say we'll come to a junction of life...however...it's there a U-turn to take??or reverse?
Ouhh,I am thinking too much I think.haha~
Maybe It is the influence of being alone.ha. u know I love crowds and company and laughter of cause. XD
Just hope dat we can still be best friends like before, no matter wad happens,even one day we'll go for different directions. When you need help, always count on me.=)
Alright!stop worrying Matt.you are supposed to be jokey and optimistic. (perharps u will have such sadness after having so much fun and joy.haha~)
Live life to the fullest!
Stop!Ready!Get Set!GO!!
P.S. : here I wish all form3s all the best in next week PMR!
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Sui Jing's salad party
The very first thought came to me was...are we just eating salad for the whole party??
Actually,this was the thing that everyone concerned before deciding going or not.
Sui Jing had been stressed for a week for this party,haha, worrying about who will turn up and the programme. Furthermore, yesterday got massive flower car parades. So I promised her I'll help her out. =) gentleman leh.
So yesterday we met at Econsave store to shop for the goods. oh, we still bought spaghetti for that party,how glad.haha. Later on, I was supposed to go to her house to prepare with her,but I wanted to have a look for Flower car parades which would pass by my condominum. I could have a clear view from my floor. Sorry lah Sui Jing. =X
I reached there at 8pm something, just some were there. Many was, like me, still watching the festival. So we started to eat at the hall, watching tv. Some girls were on duty in the kitchen to prepare food for us. Here I show my gratitude to you all. Salute!XD
When Itik they all reached there, they shouted and screamed as a sign of arrival of theirs I thought.wakaka. Since then, the place became so boisterious. The girls just can't stop shouting -______-
After finished eating, we started to play games. Obviously, just 'truth of dare' can cater for the crowd. It could be more intersting if everyone followed the rules and really dare to fulfill the appointed task.hahax.XD During the game, I truly felt that there is no friendship at war, no friendship at games too. The girls keep 'attacking' each other, trying to dig the deepest secrets of their friends. Rou Yi and Itik kept asking people to do very tricky things. I was sitting aside and speechless. Well, my task is 'postponed' to Monday : Praising my add math teacher's dress in class =.=
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Moon Cake Festival School Celebration.
This time the celebration was organised by Form6 PRS. Mr, Su, the caunselor of the school requested all PRS members to support that event. As a member of PRS, I was forced to attend.
Right until friday,the respond from the students were not good as the previous year. They say it's nothing good but just holding a lantern and stroll around the school compound. My school's students rather stay at home nerding than wasting time attending such romantic event.haha.
I worn a black shirt and black trousers but white shoes -_____- Thinking that this attire might made me looked scary when sneaking around in the school.XD
When I walked in the school at about 7.30pm, there was not many students yet, or perharps it would be just the number as I saw.
There was about 80 people there. The event started off with having a buffet dinner.ohya~I forgot to mention, the whole event was free of charge, all sponsored by the school.Yet still can't attract more people, the organizer expected 120.
After dinner, we were directed to small field of the school, which is located between block A & B. The spot was decorated with lanterns and spot lights. The station games started. There were 10 station games, whoever pass through all stations in the shortest time would be the winner.
Too bad~ I just managed to went through 4 stations.The easiest one was to play bowling using lantern and bottles. Another one was put a hand into a sealed container and guess what is hidden inside. I guessed all correctly. But mama mia! you know what were inside??Although they didn't put anything alive inside like fearfactor but they put bread with all sorts of jam. I still squeezed it happily as it was so soft -_______________-
okay~why I just went through 4 stations??It was because Kai Cheat and I wanted to solve all the Deng Mi (riddles). Actually all we need to solve were 5 riddles. So we stopped at there until times up and we solved 12 successfully.XD *clap* *clap* We both won a prize for this.
Here are some of the riddles : 1)家中有一口。(打一字)2)夫人走到哪里?(打一字) 3)脱裤子放屁。(猜一歇后语) 4)一二三五。(猜一歇后语) 5)玄德请二人上庄。(猜古代礼仪,二字) 6)靠近黄昏的地方。(猜一中国地名)
The last part of the event was holding lantern and had a stroll around the school compound. Walking with lantern in the darkness was really a good experience. Although we walked in a group, I still open my eyes widely to observe 'anything' when we passed Block E, one of the hot spots.XD
When we were at the corridor outside the school hall...I lifted up my head to gaze at the classroom opposite the hall...at second floor...I saw a massive dark figure was like yearning to look down what's making such loud noise.I thought was optical illusion,I closed my eyes for awhile and looked again,it was the same motion as I saw. I quickly turned my head to front and walked away like nothing happened...
This year end we were having an overnight camp in school~we will need to stay up late to prepare or to stand guard for the juniors. Every year our seniors will sure encounter some sort of stuff. I think this year won't be left out... ...
Oppsss~how come it become halloween at the end.XD wakaka~
Happy moon cake festival!
Thursday, 16 September 2010
School Reopen after Hari Raya
As it always been, our results are distributed after holidays. So it was like after a one whole week cheer we started to worry our results again.
This time exam was a small one, I think my results are quite okay despite some (actually very much ) careless mistakes I did. I should have done better than this.
Glance back this holidays, many stuff happened...
I can say many of friends 'putus cinta' on the exact day of Hari Raya...I wonder why.
Furthermore, my first week of this school term doesn't going on so well. My chinese teacher announced to the class that my chinese essay standard has declined...
damn it, that time I was just no inspiration to write one,heart was thinking of something ( or someone) =X
I was just about to start the comprehension question when teacher said just had 15mins more! I must rushed to finish one damn comprehension and one passage of classic comprehension and 2 chinese idioms questions. They were not like english comprehension man~so direct. The questions were more to IQ thinking. I still can get 74 not bad dy under such pressured condition.
but what teacher mentioned was not comprehension...-________- I spent too much time on essay stil got 53/70 only...
One whole week of play and no work make me feel like a numb. I should regain my consciousness and ready to go for this year end exam.XD
Forget and forgive.
Get Set GO!
This post is dedicated to the one who ask me to update...=)
Thank you.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Third Exam coming
I wonder why this year's exam time tables are so weird, dunno wad are the school's teachers experimenting...
er...I am taking study leave for today and tomorrow. I didnt manage to revise and memorise all the subjects, especially bio. Chapter 2 to chapter 7 man!!!
Btw I think this small exam will be easy enough to get through since there are 2 holidays interval.
Good luck to everyone who is taking exam and to those who have finished it : happy Holidays!!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Dreadful Exam results!
What awaits me were those papers marks lower than one to one. All World Cup good mood gone when gazing at the cruel sheets.
So far just one subject slightly improve, the rest fell in a great number....
First time in my living memory I got sixty something for my exam and many are seventy plus....
My mother has not know the results yet...scared she will suffer heart-attack after listening to my report.
The worst of all is this July got hari kantin. Parents or guardians are invited to the school to get school reports and interact with school teachers. I think my form teacher will have many comments for me. Talkative... playful...
Last time I was like : I forget when is the last time I handed up my homework...
Now : I thought there is no homework?
The good news is : SPM, more than one year time.XD
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Mid Year Hols
Today feel like switching the computer, connecting to the net and without any thoughts, just like voluntary movement, typed in the address and password and started to crap something here.
So far this holidays were busy as usual. My holidays never seemed to be holidays at all, still attending to school, just at a different time and casual attire.
Well, Wen Qi visited me on last last Sunday. She 'booked' my time since friday, so I could arranged for the meeting. Watch prince of persians, not bad. Before that having lunch on a toilet bowl and eating 'chocalate' ice cream. Wen Qi, I would like to clarify that I don't have any lover or gf or anything you think.XD haha~ And your acting at Borders was very good.=)
Monday I went on a school trip to KL. Sending text messages to yiting, wenqi, liyen, yanyi and jeffrey to greet them. I was amazed that someone wondered why I din text her.
Yesterday, feeling bored, decided to walk out from the school with Soo Hou for a walk. He didnt have breakfast yet. So we started our morning walk. We were like Ho Chiak team, stopping at every food stall to taste some food. Our first station was Apollo market, famous of all kind of Penang food. After that we went to ice kacang stall some distance away. We just continued to explore and at last make a detour back to school after 2 hours.
About noon time, Li Yen texted me said she was on the bridge.Hinting me to cross over to meet her. OMG, I was still at school with my work, about an hour later I decided to cross over the sea to Gurney, although it was late. I reached Jetty by 3.40, aboard Rapid no 103 at 4.40,reached GSC gurney plaza at 5.30.Almost 2 hours to get there ( Li Yen dun feel guilty.XD)However Li Yen was still on her way from Queensbay. I bought the tickets and got in 15mins after the show started.I think Li Yen is leaving penang to go back by the time I am blogging this.Bye~Li yen.
2mr is fathers' day, Here I wish Yan Yi and Jeffrey Happy Fathers' day and I think Jeffrey will be receiving a lots of presents.X)
Monday, 22 March 2010
January, my school life changed from too free to too hectic. From having too much time to observe ants crawling to have no time to brush my teeth.
February, doubted whether the teachers in class were speaking human languages...
MARCH, sit for exams without knowing what was the scope. However,remembered the date of Hammurabi's death but forgotten Wen Qi's birthday.After exams were holidays, but I still went to school everyday 8am to 6pm, even stayed longer than schooling time. Lost count of dates, missed Jeffrey's birthday. Woke up at 8am Friday morning, didn't sleep for the next 43 hours(seriously!) until Saturday's camp fire ended. Sunday still went to school to prepare MSSPP sports events. Stood under the hotsun from 7am to 2pm, and marched from 2.30pm to 7.00pm today. This whole week will have marching training since this Saturday is the competition. Next Tuesday and Wednesday will be school sports days.
See? I don't know I still can stand it for how long. I am just so frustrated and angry. Things happening around, people gossiping everywhere.
In this school for 2 years, I become retarded. Everything here is boring, everything is fixed. You just have to follow the procedures and rules. The way they think is like that, you can't change them. People hurried here and there, friend or foe you couldn't know. Smilling to you but stabbing you behind. I just feel that, within the walls of the school, there are no true friends or real enemies. They treat you nice must have a reason behind. Everyday we chat, play, make noise and jokes, but do you see me as a good friend? This year you all are rotting, this is all I can say.Thank You.
Friday, 19 February 2010
Chu Wu BBQ party
After finish laughing in the cinema, we wanted to go for karaoke. We reached there later than the time we booked, so they wanted to charge us RM35 per person which is RM13 extra. So we pissed off and go back to my place earlier.
We took 1 hour and 30 mintues to reach my condominium by Rapid. 17 of us quickly prepare to start. 17 big guys crammed my little corner lot.-__________-
They brought those utensils down to the BBQ area, and started to defrost frozen food we bought earlier. Boys were working hard on fire.
At last got 25 attended, they preferred walking around the pool side and splashing water than eat. So we have many food left after that. Some of them stepped in the shallow part of pool, girls were happy playing with slides =.=, two were fell into the pool and got wet. His new Sony Ino gone.
At 10.00pm we were cleaning the site and wanted to start our games. However, a dark stain was on the ground after we remove the stove away. Between clean and RM200 fine, we chose to clean. We tried hard to remove the stain but it didn't work. At last we gave up. The time was 11.00pm when we finally cleared up. Many were gone back and left 6 of us.
We started our game!!what can we play with 6 persons and at such a late time?Perharps hide-and-seek will do.XD
I hide in a toilet corner for the 1st round. Nobody found me although they saw me ran into toilet.XD They nearly call the police.hahaha~
The second round, I hide at the same site, and was the first one to be found =(.
Hence I became the catcher for the third. I found Jingxue lying flat on the slide, Hui Wen keep running and 3 hiding inside a hole.
We were able to play 3 rounds only because the jaga wanted to close the area d. Although we just played for 30 minutes,but the game was nice. Searching ppl at late night and at a deserted eerie area.XD
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Chinese New Year is coming
Couples can give mandarin oranges instead of chocolates, this can save a lot of money.XD
Well, how would I celebrate this Chinese New Year? The only thing I am looking forward to is the fifth day. That day our KRS gang will spend whole day at shopping mall, then come to my house for BBQ and some of them will stay overnight. We have planned this since school reopen. We really hope that this plan can carry out without mistake. Last holidays, we planned to count down at Pantai Kerachut, a remote beach at Balik Pulau there. We planned it well but were forced to call off due to some reasons. I think we will never any chance to get near to beach since the dragon boat capsized incident.
Next thing emerge in my mind is : STUDY
First term exam will be held after a week of CNY holidays. The thing is, all subjects are new to me and I realised that I learnt nothing after a month. All are much in a blur. 10 subjects, I need to cover in 10 days, minus four days new year visitation, left 6 days. I don't think is ample.
Before CNY holidays start, I plan to clean all my homework debt first. The level of homework has reached an alarming rate and is getting out of my control.XP
Here I wish all of you happy Chinese New Year, don't forget to belanja me with your Ang Pau Jeffrey and Yan Yi.
off to nerd now...
Friday, 5 February 2010
A day Before Merentas Desa
I have to duty tomorrow, so no need to participate the marathon. Before every sports event of my school, we will do the preparations like building up tents, check tracks and all.
We started to build the biggest tent in our school. We took 2 hours under the hot sun and finally something was erected on the field.
Unfortunately, last night had a downpour. Big rain drops hit the tent hard and the wind blew fiercely. The tent was found collapsed this morning when we reached school.T.T
ARGHHH!First time I met this situation, club image gone, students watching from up floors when we went to examine it.
Headmaster permitted us to continue to work on it and build it up again. For this, I skipped six periods.=)
Let's pray that today won't rain anymore.XD
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
In another word, we are 1 month old form4. Last month, to be honest I passed it in a blur state. Totally blur. Since school reopen until today, I have totally no idea what I am supposed to do and what I have learnt. The teachers seemed so far away from me, futher and further day by day. I am still behind, crawling to meet them.
All new subjects I know I could fail after teachers started to enter chapter 2. Actually this is not the only factor that caused this problem. Another factor shouldn't be neglected is school activities!!!
Wednesday and Thursday I have to practise lame marching until 7pm. Tuesday is club activity and I got tuition on Monday and Friday. How about Saturday? I have to march again from 8am to 5pm, followed by English and BM tuition 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
Now, I can't even manage to finish my homework everyday. Teachers got funny thinkings, they thought we just have to study a subject everyday and give a lot of homework for us, saying : You can do it whole afternoon. Let say we have 5 subjects a day, then we need 5 whole afternoon to finish the work. Logically, it is impossible for us to finish off.
My homework is accumulated for several days d. No time to clear stock. I am so tired, sometimes don't bother to touch it. Just rush and copy while we need to pass up.XD
You may ask : You said you have not enough time but why are you still here?
Good question. Like I said, I feel pressured and tired while seeing those books and sometimes don't bother to touch it. That's why I am here to blog - escaping from reality.hahaha~
I wonder when can I stop this turmoil and get it right. May God bless me in March exam.
I miss the time shaking legs and crapping jokes in Form2 and 3 so badly...
But don't worry, I am still joking although it is in the midst of hardship, jokes really help me to relax and laugh.=)
Hope can see you again soon.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Like wad Xian said, finally I am 16....=.=
Glance at the clock,there is half an hour left for my birthday to become history.
24 hours ago, I was counting down by myself, and when the clock strikes 12 times, Yan Yi and Jeffrey were sleeping soundly I think.XD
Thanks to Shea Yee, the first important one to wish me at 0027.
Yeah~you will definitely feel different when you are wandering in the school and it's your birthday. Suddenly everyone seems to focus on you and those you don't often chat to will come to you and say 'Happy Birthday'.
The phrase was just kept repeated by the ppl around you, sometimes it would be the same person. Everyone just blurted out happy birthday when they see me, as if my name has changed to 'happy birthday' today.
Sadly, even though today is my birthday, I still need to stay bec at school until 7.T.T
However, I am so touched that the whole marching team are willing to sing birthday song to me.
Alright,it is late now.byebye~bye 27/01/2010
my birthday wishes : Get good results in this year, have a lot of good friends and hope my beloved is happy everyday.
Friday, 22 January 2010
My school became more famous recently after the dragon boat capsized incident. Continously 2 days it was the headline of Sin Chew Jit Poh. To mention precisely, it is not happened on my school. Let me make it clear. To those who always visit to Penang, they know there are total 3 Chung Ling High Schools. 2 are located side by side in Penang island, they are SMJK Chung Ling Penang and SM Chung Ling Penang. Both are boys schools. The difference is one is goverment, and another is private.
Another one is SMJK Chung Ling Butterworth, as the school name stated, is located at Butterworth. Different from both in Penang island, it is a co-ed school and rank 3rd among them.
By the way our school has 140 straight 8As PMR candidates last year.=)
Last Monday about 3p.m., I was taking Add Math tuition, suddenly my cell phone rang twice. Jeffrey was calling me, he thought I was drowned.
I wonder why Jeffrey would ask the question, I scrutinised every victim's face and found no one had a similar face like me, nor their names were same as mine.
Maybe he just glanced at the school name and qucikly picked up his phone.hahaha~
Actually I feel so touched that he still thought of me.XD
It worth to let him whacked 2 years ago during Shinobi training.
Lastly, let us pay our tributes to the victims of the dragon boat capsized incident and pray that such thing will not happen again.
May God Bless You.
Friday, 15 January 2010
I am totally disconnected from the web for about a month. For the days before 2010, I was busy to build up something for orientation 2010. That was a big job, as you must really build something up at the field so that those new students would decided to join your KRS. I was at school everyday from 8 to 5pm, not included O.T. some of the days we even overnight in the school. SHHHH don't say out, we were not supposed to do so because the school did not allowed us. Everything in the school become creepy when dark falls, and during the time many things happened. Got one night when we were hanging around the school compound, we were spotted by a ronda guard who thought we were thieves ( but I think he thought we were ghost, because after that he ran off and called all his fellows come.)
Well, last holiday was indeed a memorable and interesting holiday. Although we got not enough sleep everyday, we tried to make fun from it. Sleep on the canteen table during night, building gadgets at midnight, laying on the ground, feeling the chilling wind and gazing at stars... ...
When the school reopen, I have moved into my almost-finished new condominium. We moved in just because it was first of Jan. A lot of stuffs didn't okay yet. New house, no streamyx, even no LCD tv yet. However, my school activities didn't stop and still carry on. Home becomes a place to overnight for me.
Form4 is totally different from form3. I don't think it should be called honeymoon year.=.= The gap is just too big from form3 to 4. Everything is brand new and not so easy to study.I hope Jeffrey and Yan Yi are doing well and see you all soon.
P.S.:I am so dark now, you can't see me during night time. No need costume, I could be the dark knight. Don't believe? you can ask Wen Qi, she is the only one from BU4 who met me during Christmas.XD