Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Mission:Impossible-Ghost Protocol

 Yeah,I watched this movie for twice,once with friends and once with family during Christmas.

I think most of you have watched this movie too, so I will just skip the synopsis part.
 In fact, the main objective of my parents to go out for a movie is that we can hang out together as a family. My parents don't enjoy watching movie much, usually we will watch some animation movies, at least the cute characters will 'distract' my parents from dozing off.XD

However, this time was so special. Because of I was watching the movie for the second time, I had free time to look around to see others' expressions during the sudden bombing part (HAHAHAHAHA). It was quite fun though, seeing others shock faces (I know I am lame.). Before entering the cinema, I was afraid that my childish mum would not be able to understand how the plot proceeds. I was amazed that she could follow the story line well and she was so eager plus nervous to know what come next. She kept nudging me and asking questions like, " Is their plan successful?" "Did he die?" .

When the movie ended I was shocked to see my parents discussing the movie.

Mum :" So agent Hunt's wife still alive?"

Dad :"Ya, I think so."

Mum :" The assasin Moreau is whose girl friend?Agent Thant's right?That's why he is so angry when that woman kicked her down."

Dad :" No lah, Moreau is not Thant's girl friend lah."

Mum :" Then why is Thant so angry."

Dad :" Its because they are losing one asset."

Mum :" What do you mean by 'asset'?"

Matty:"An asset is ... ..."

Of course, such high standard question which my mum asked cannot be answered by my dad.XD

Well, familiar with this picture?

There is a question I like to ask, the sticky gloves which he uses to climb the tallest tower are produced by which country? 

Perharps they are made in China.Haha.Or they are pirated. That's why halfway climbing his right glove malfunctioned, leaving him the left one to finish the tough climb. Oh, dear USA, don't take your agents' lives as a joke.XD

This is a brilliant movie, it captured my parents' attention.=)

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