Tuesday 2 February 2010


ARGH!2010 entered February already!!

In another word, we are 1 month old form4. Last month, to be honest I passed it in a blur state. Totally blur. Since school reopen until today, I have totally no idea what I am supposed to do and what I have learnt. The teachers seemed so far away from me, futher and further day by day. I am still behind, crawling to meet them.

All new subjects I know I could fail after teachers started to enter chapter 2. Actually this is not the only factor that caused this problem. Another factor shouldn't be neglected is school activities!!!

Wednesday and Thursday I have to practise lame marching until 7pm. Tuesday is club activity and I got tuition on Monday and Friday. How about Saturday? I have to march again from 8am to 5pm, followed by English and BM tuition 6.30pm to 9.30pm.

Now, I can't even manage to finish my homework everyday. Teachers got funny thinkings, they thought we just have to study a subject everyday and give a lot of homework for us, saying : You can do it whole afternoon. Let say we have 5 subjects a day, then we need 5 whole afternoon to finish the work. Logically, it is impossible for us to finish off.

My homework is accumulated for several days d. No time to clear stock. I am so tired, sometimes don't bother to touch it. Just rush and copy while we need to pass up.XD

You may ask : You said you have not enough time but why are you still here?

Good question. Like I said, I feel pressured and tired while seeing those books and sometimes don't bother to touch it. That's why I am here to blog - escaping from reality.hahaha~

I wonder when can I stop this turmoil and get it right. May God bless me in March exam.

I miss the time shaking legs and crapping jokes in Form2 and 3 so badly...

But don't worry, I am still joking although it is in the midst of hardship, jokes really help me to relax and laugh.=)

Hope can see you again soon.